Women of The Month Interview: Jamie Maynes

What is your job title and responsibilities at Crouse Hospital?

I am a Registered Nurse (RN) and I work on the Neurology Unit. I also have the privilege of mentoring new nurses as they transition to our floor, providing them with the guidance and resources they need to thrive in their roles.

What is the most satisfying part of your job?

I thrive on building bridges of trust with my patients and their families! It creates a strong foundation for their healing journey. There's nothing better than a high five from a recovering patient, or a smile from a worried family member when things take a turn for the better. Those connections make all the difference!

How did you feel when you found out you are being recognized for Women of The Month?

Learning that my work made a positive impact is truly rewarding. This recognition motivates me to keep striving for excellence and continue to contribute to our goals.

What are the hardest parts of your day working at the hospital?

Extended shifts with a high patient volume test our physical and mental stamina. But it's incredibly rewarding to collaborate with my fellow nurses and healthcare professionals to ensure everyone receives the quality care they deserve.

What would you say to someone wanting to go into the health care industry?

I absolutely love my job and I encourage anyone interested in the health field to pursue it. The road to becoming a nurse isn't always easy. The studies can be demanding, and the long hours require dedication. But the rewards are immeasurable. You'll have the opportunity to directly impact people's lives, offering comfort and care during some of their most vulnerable moments. If you're passionate about helping others and making a difference, nursing is a career that will challenge you and leave you feeling truly fulfilled.