Job Search Websites

Where should you go to find job postings online? With literally thousands of sites posting jobs, finding the best search website can feel overwhelming.

Job seekers often apply to hundreds of jobs, so searching for a position is hard work and can be a full-time job by itself. To make the most of your time, we’ve narrowed down the endless sites out there to some of the very best. This list should help you find a position quickly and efficiently when looking online.

Resumes & Cover Letters

Resumes and cover letters on their own won’t get you the job, but they’ll help you win the interview. These comprehensive resources can help guide you through the process of writing a concise and engaging resume and cover letter.

Jumpstart Your Job Search

Looking for a new job is now your full-time job. So, take a deep breath and don’t panic. You can and will find a new job. It could be next week, next month or six months from now, but it will happen.

While your well-crafted resume and cover letter are key, these are only two pieces of the job-search jigsaw puzzle. There are lots of other things you need to do before you start applying for jobs. You’ll need to approach these things strategically and with determination.

Here are some smart, helpful helpful links that can provide you with valuable action items to get you started.

Acing the Interview

Congratulations! You landed the interview. Now what?

A great interview depends as much on your attitude and personality as it does on your skills and qualifications. The person interviewing you has your resume. She knows you have the basic qualifications for the job. Your mission during the interview is to demonstrate that you also have the qualities and characteristics that will make you successful in the position.

Are you capable, confident, dependable, enthusiastic, flexible, persistent and resourceful? These are qualities that employers look for. The interviewer is assessing what you say, how you sit, what you wear and how you behave, including non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, eye contact and posture.

It’s time to prepare for your next interview! The the Women’s Opportunity Center has you covered with these helpful and informative videos, tips and guidelines.

After the Interview

Employers use interviews to screen and hire employees, but did you know that what you do after the interview also influences your chance of getting the job? Aside from wallowing in anxiety and checking your email non-stop, there are things you can do that increase your chances for hire.

Just like in dating, there are some follow-up steps you can take to help secure a second interview, or even a job offer. These links can guide you towards what you should do to make a successful post-interview impression and lock down the job.