ORACLE OF THE PHOENIX: Guidance from the Ancients

In ancient times, the oracles of Greece were women chosen by the gods to impart divine advice, warnings, or visions. The Oracles were a central part of the ancient Greek and Roman religions and were treated with respect and reverence. In times of war, plagues, and crisis, the Oracles were turned to for direction. 


Each week, the Oracle of the Phoenix will uncover a different Tarot card and dive into it's meaning. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest. We all need a little extra help! Is it a message from the Divine, or is it just a pretty parlor trick? You decide!


This week's card: FIVE OF PENTACLES (reversed)

Tarot cards can be read in both an upright position and a reversed, or upside down, position. The meanings of the card varies based on it's status. Before we dive in, let's look at the Five of Pentacles' image: two women are bundled up against the cold, snow falling down around them, with downcast faces. Behind them is a stained glass window showing five pentacles, or coins.  One gets the feeling of coldness, sadness, and consistent disappointment. But if you look closer, you will realize the window is lit up in the darkness...but the women are so consumed with their pain they cannot see the kindness and help available. 


When upright, the card indicates financial loss, poverty, isolation, and pain. We are the women depicted in the card: we don't know how to ask for help or we simply cannot swallow our pride. We fear rejection and ridicule more than anything else. Only the negative aspects of our life is apparent; we are ignoring the small joys. 


However, in this case, the card is flipped....thus, the meaning is flipped. When reversed, the card indicates an end to financial struggles, a new job, a new source of income, or an offer of help. Much like the stained glass window on the card, the reversed Five of Pentacles can also illuminate the persistence of your spirit. Look around and find the good things in your life - family, friends, pets, the bluebird visiting your feeders. 


Overall, things are slowly improving. Look up from the coldness and seek the faint's there. The worst is coming to an end, so breathe in deeply and wait for the Universe to point you to your next victory.