Finding Wisdom in the Wild: Embrace the Universe’s Lessons

Finding Wisdom in the Wild: Embrace the Universe’s Lessons

By: Amy Canavan

I was enjoying my "me" time at a restaurant, reading a book, and basking in the glorious absence of interruptions. Bliss. But, of course, my peace was shattered by a nearby table of women who believed their conversation was the soundtrack everyone needed. Seriously, why the megaphone volume? I tried to focus on my book, but their chatter was louder than my inner monologue. (Reality check: I was so wrapped up in my own little world that I forgot the universe doesn’t revolve around me. Meanwhile, they were in their own world, seeking support from each other. Neither of us was wrong...)

As much as I tried, I couldn’t help but eavesdrop. They weren’t even attempting to keep their voices down. So, for your entertainment, I’ve given these characters names that are purely fictional and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  • Betty Sue was upset because her daughter was dating an inappropriate boyfriend.

  • Barbara Jean was convinced her husband was secretly seeing someone on the side.

  • Esther Marie was hating her job, her boss, her coworkers, and her customers.

  • Mary Grace was struggling with empty nest depression.

  • Norma Jane was battling postpartum.

These women were lamenting their loneliness and lack of spiritual connection, wailing, "Why me? What have I done to deserve such trials?" They had auditioned spiritual leaders, self-help gurus, and yoga masters at the local Y. They’d camped out in every self-help section of every bookstore they could find. They’d even sought advice from social media trolls, spent fortunes on “we can fix you” clickbait ads, and followed every "self-care instafamous influencer" they could find online.

I had to admit it—the drama unfolding at their table was far more captivating than the drama in my book! These women were struggling to find happiness, make sense of their unhappiness, and create a better reality. They were clearly in pain, but the solutions they were seeking weren’t going to bring them the solace they needed.


Nature’s Classroom: Where the Real Lessons Happen

Let’s face it: we all want a spiritual guru to guide us. We might feel lost without one, yearning for someone with sage wisdom to light our path. But here’s the kicker—the universe is constantly challenging you to learn something new. So stop fighting it and learn the damn lesson.

The real teachers are all around us, especially in nature. Animals, in their natural habitats, offer profound lessons if we take the time to observe them.

Practical Lessons from Nature

  1. Kindness and Compassion: Forget the frustration of geese crossing the road. Instead, watch them herd their babies across the highway. It’s pure magic when you stop being annoyed by the "inconvenience" and witness the true meaning of community and collaboration as the adults shepherd these kids. It’s a beautiful lesson in collective care and looking out for each other.

  2. Joy and Preparedness: Ever seen baby squirrels? They play tag with their fellow squirrels, finding joy in the moment while also gathering nuts for the tough times. This balance of living in the now while prepping for the future is a lesson in resilience and foresight.

  3. Community and Collaboration: Bees are the ultimate team players. Watch them work together to build and sustain their hive. Each bee has a role, and their collective effort ensures the survival and success of their community. This teaches us the value of working together and supporting each other for the greater good.

The Ultimate Truth Bomb: The Universe’s Lessons

We may not recognize our teachers because they don’t fit our guru mold, yet they embody great wisdom. And some people teach us by showing us what not to do. Every situation, from trivial to significant, conspires to teach us exactly what we need to learn. Patience, compassion, perseverance, honesty, letting go—these are all covered in the universe's classroom.

Embracing the Lessons

  1. Date Yourself and Date Your Friends: Your friends have your back and your best interests at heart. Engage with them, learn from them, and support each other.

  2. Seek a Mentor: A mentor offers guidance and helps you challenge your self-limiting behaviors. Stop throwing away simple solutions in favor of complicated ones!

  3. Keep It Simple: I’ve spent $50 on a breathing class and found it more effective (and cheaper) to drive to the lake during a storm, using the pounding surf to regulate my breathing.

  4. Adapt to Your Reality: I’ve submitted to yoga classes and walked away filled with self-loathing because I’m fluffier and less bendy than the 20-year-old contortionist teaching the class. Instead, I stretch out my kinks in bed each morning before charging into my day.

  5. Talk to a Life Coach: Many community resource centers offer low or no-cost life coaching services because personal growth should not be cost-prohibitive. Life coaches help you battle the mean girl inside your head, re-establish your courage, and do what must be done instead of comparing yourself to “thought leaders” who preach, "If I can do it, so can you." We are not the same; we have the same number of minutes in each day, but we are not the same.

Morning Mantra


Life can feel like a dumpster fire sometimes, but it's all about the attitude you bring to it. Each morning, take a moment to say, “I recognize that life is my teacher, even when it's a hot mess. May I have the wisdom to see the lessons in today’s chaos and the openness to learn from them.”


Daily Reflection

Take some time each day to consider what your life is trying to teach you. A difficult phase with your child may be teaching you to let go. The homeless person you see every day may be showing you the boundaries of your compassion. Lost items may be asking you to be more present.

Trust your intuition on the nature of the lesson at hand, work at your own pace, and ask as many questions as you want. Your life has all the answers.

So, next time you find yourself eavesdropping on a group of chatty women in a restaurant, remember: the real wisdom is in the lessons the universe is challenging you to learn every single day. Embrace it, learn from it, and laugh along the way.

Live Brave & Bold!
